You’ve Got a Great Past Ahead of You – Silver Dollar City Trip Report

Next up was Powder Keg, a ride which I expected to be much better than it was. On my first ride anyways… I always heard people mention an intense launch and crazy airtime. Maybe I rode it on a bad day because neither of those very important aspects of a ride experience were present.

I decided to give Powder Keg another shot, this time in the front row. Where the ride experience was vastly improved. Better airtime, and great for every transition on the ride. The giant turn (original to the BuzzSaw Falls water coaster) was fantastic, the speed at which it navigates thru made that my favorite part of the ride!

I don’t know of anyone that has ever gotten to ride the spike (which is used only in emergencies and failed launches)but some day I would love to get that special experience!

Here’s another picture to prove how beautiful our visit to the park was with the Spring weather.

Next up another giant Silver Dollar City icon! One that is talked about a little less but left the biggest impression: Wildfire!

Wildfire is this park’s “Tennessee Tornado“. The terrain looping coaster with a giant first drop, not too many elements but killer pacing. What a delight.

The coaster features unique B&M trains that are sit down but the seats are elevated as if the coaster were a Floorless Coaster. The floor is hard to touch and there are no edges on the vehicles, really making it feel like a less complicated version of a Floorless Coaster.

Wildfire has a giant first drop of a 155 feet straight down that gets you some awesome airtime, particularly in the back row.

The ride then features a giant Immelman with a sharp turn into a Vertical Loop. The sharp turn is just one of three sharp turns on the ride. The turn following the Cobra Roll into the Corkscrew is one of the best moments of the ride.


The park is also home to a very unique and classic Barr Engineering log flume is located right next to Wildfire and is named the American Plunge. The ride’s beautiful natural setting is also breathtaking.

This log flume only features one drop but that drop is all you need to get soaked. The small intimate size of the log flume was another reason we really liked it.

About to get DRENCHED.

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